Electronic Signatures

Sign any document easily by identifying yourself with FranceConnect

Nitro Sign is the first to integrate FranceConnect into their electronic signatures solution to sign documents electronically. Secure any transaction by identifying your signers with FranceConnect in a safe and user friendly way.
Sign in just a few click and save valuable time
Use your verified identities (Ameli, Mobile Connect et Moi, impots.gouv.fr, l´identité numérique of la Poste, MSA and soon Alicem) via FranceConnect to sign your documents electronically.
Comply with stringent regulations
The signing method using FranceConnect complies with strict regulations including eIDAS, GDPR,…
Get access to + 18 million users
Today, FranceConnect has more than 18 million unique users that can sign documents electronically via Connective eSignatures.
Legally binding electronic signature
The itsme® app is certified for eIDAS (EU electronic ID standards) and can be used to meet PSD2 (EU open banking regulation) and GDPR (EU privacy protection) requirements.

Moreover, itsme® sign is a qualified electronic signature method according to eIDAS, which is the variant for signing that provides the most guarantees. In legal terms, it is the equivalent of a manuscript signature and the burden of proof lies with the party that initiated the signature.
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Prepare your documents
Prepare your documents for signing and select FranceConnect as a signing method. You can combine this with one or more signing methods to give your signer the choice.
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Send to signer
In just a few clicks your documents are ready to be signed. Your signers receive an email with a signing link. A screen pops ups where the signer can go through the document and start the signing method with FranceConnect.
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Signer chooses a verified identity from FranceConnect
You signers choose the account they know and have in FranceConnect. They can choose from: impots.gouv.fr, ameli.fr, l’Identité Numérique La Poste, MobileConnect et moi, msa.fr and Alicem (soon available).
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Sign with FranceConnect
The signer will be redirected to the connection page of the identification method where he can fill in his credentials. After validating the identity will be used to sign the documents within Connective eSignatures.

Keep documents and eSignatures secure and compliant with industry regulations

Integrated in the most innovative and agile electronic signature solution.
eIDAS, eSIGN Act, UETA, Singapore Law, Hong Kong, ZertES (Swiss), GDPR compliant.
Combine SMS OTP with other signing methods.
Easy integration via API or use the stand alone portal.
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Personalize the solution to your branding

FAQs about FranceConnect

What is FranceConnect ?​
FranceConnect is a solution proposed by the French state to secure and simplify the onboarding and connection to more than 700 online services. More info available at: https://franceconnect.gouv.fr

Source: FranceConnect
How to start with FranceConnect to sign documents?
If you are a client, contact us to add this signature method to your Nitro Sign solution.

If you are not yet a Nitro Sign client? Please contact us and we will be happy to show you the solution and benefits of FranceConnect.
How to sign documents with FranceConnect
Signing documents with FranceConnect is very simple. First the initiator prepares the documents and selects FranceConnect as a signing method.

In just a few clicks the document is prepared and a link is sent to the signer(s).

When the signers opens the link, a screen pops up with the to be signed document. The signers has to read through the document and clicks the signing button.

When signing with FranceConnect, the signer will be redirected to the identification page where he can choose between the different authentifiers (impots.gouv.fr, ameli.fr, l’Identité Numérique La Poste, MobileConnect et moi, msa.fr, Alicem (soon available) that are available within FranceConnect. Afterwards, FranceConnect redirects you to the connection page where you will need to fill in your identifiers. After validation of these identifiers, you will be redirected again to Connective eSignatures and you documents will be signed.
Will other identity providers be added to the FranceConnect hub?
In 2021 FranceConnect is foreseeing to add new identity providers like Alicem for example.
How can I create an account on FranceConnect as a signer?
Your signers will have an account on FranceConnect. If this is not the case, you will find more information about how to create an account on:

When will the Electronic identity card be available in France? And will it also be avilable in FranceConnect to identify & sign?
Mid-2021, the French government will launch the electronic national identity card, in credit card format and incorporating biometric data. This CNIE should also serve as a means of identification for FranceConnect.
Let's talk sign
Learn more about our secure, compliant eSign solutions and which plan is right for you.