Together with itsme ® (Belgian mobile ID) and Isabel Group we organised the very successful first edition of ‘Digital Me’ on the 21st of February 2019. During the event, we offered you a glimpse of a digital future, celebrating the availability of itsme® Sign, the first qualified mobile signature, and SignHere of Isabel Group, an easy-to-use and secure platform for digital signatures including the itsme® Sign method. Above all, we were very proud to announce that Connective lies at the heart of both innovations.
The first qualified mobile signature
When it comes to digital signing, the first thing you need to know is that there are three types of electronic signatures: simple, advanced and qualified. The difference between these signature types lies within the security levels and the legal weight they carry. A qualified signature is the variant for signing that provides the most guarantees. If you want to know everything about the different types of signatures, download our whitepaper!
Although Connective already offers multiple qualified signature methods (e.g. Belgian .eID and other certificates), we are very happy to announce that today you can also sign your documents through the convenience of your smartphone, while complying to the strongest regulations. Say hello to the first qualified mobile signature: itsme® Sign! The result of a successful strategic partnership between Belgian Mobile ID and Connective.
itsme ® Sign(powered by Connective)
itsme ®, the solution of Belgian Mobile ID, is the first app which enables users to sign documents electronically with the highest guarantee of security: qualified! By using an itsme® qualified signature, also called itsme ® Sign, you can now approve and sign any document entirely by mobile means.
Curious about how itsme® Sign works in the Connective eSignatures tool? See it in action:
“Through itsme® Sign, we have taken the final step for totally digitising a range of processes. The qualified signature feature from itsme ® gives consumers a very simple – and fully mobile – way of signing documents in a way that is legally binding. For our partners, this means that they can digitise processes that are currently often very time-consuming and hence very expensive. So it’s a clear win-win for everyone involved.”
Kris De Ryck, CEO Belgian Mobile ID.
SignHere by Isabel Group (powered by Connective)
We even announced more. During ‘Digital Me’, Isabel Group proudly presented ‘SignHere‘ – a solution for digital signatures specially designed for accountants and finance professionals. The solution entirely digitises the signature flow between accounting firms and their clients.
With SignHere, finance professionals and accountants can sign, approve and distribute any document that requires a signature in an easy and secure digital way. The solution eliminates the back-and-forth paper chase and last-minute coordination between accounting professionals and their clients in getting documents signed. As a result, accounting firms and their SME clients save valuable time and benefit from better and faster collaboration. Typical documents used by accounting firms requiring multiple signatures include mandate letters, shareholder agreements, annual reports, and reports of general assemblies.
SignHere provides options to sign documents digitally via email, text message (SMS), Belgian eID card (.beID) and itsme®. The solution is powered by Connective technology and will be marketed to accounting firms by CodaBox – a subsidiary of Isabel Group.
“Our clients in accounting firms face a massive opportunity to change and improve the way they work using technology. At Isabel Group we want to bring together the best technologies available and offer an integrated ecosystem through which finance professionals can do away with day-to-day hassle and streamline their work, leveraging fintech solutions.”
Jean de Crane, CEO Isabel Group
Connective´s role in the launch of SignHere and itsme® Sign
Both itsme® Sign and SignHere of Isabel Group, rely on Connective technology.
Besides being technology provider, Connective is also reseller of itsme® Sign. The signing method is now available in the Connective eSignatures solution via API or within the standalone Cloud platform. This way Connective allows you to sign your documents via your smartphone in a qualified way.