Connective eSignatures 5.4 is arriving soon!

eSignatures 5.4

It is with great joy that we announce that version 5.4 of Connective eSignatures will be launched soon. In the meanwhile, let’s get a taste of some of the new features!

Additional contact functionalities that will make your life easier

We have greatly expanded the functionalities for contacts in eSignatures 5.4. Here’s whats new:

Contact groups

Users can now create contact groups. This features allows any member of the contact group to sign for the entire group, which will result in less waste of time and more versatility in signing your documents.

Share contacts

Contacts and contact groups can now be shared among users. If you want to add a new user to your company’s eSignatures solution, you can immediately provide him/her with all the right contacts (s)he needs.

Stop the signing flow at any given moment

A package that has been signed by one or more persons/parties, but still has a few open signing fields, can now be ended by the initiator. The unsigned fields won’t be required to sign anymore and the package will be marked as finished so that the users are able to download the package.

Integration of multiple identification services as signing methods

eSignatures 5.4 will feature the possibility of integrating multiple identification services (based on OpenID Connect protocol) that can be configured as signing methods. A huge improvement for the overall customer experience, especially when working with a multicountry customer base.

Sounds interesting? Contact us for more information!

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