Cyber-security company Approach digitizes document processes thanks to Connective eSignatures


Cyber-security and secure development specialist, APPROACH is integrating Connective eSignatures to create smoother, easier and paperless internal and external document flows

APPROACH provides consulting and software development services to corporate and public customers. They help their clients to prepare for cyber-attacks by understanding and managing cyber-exposure, enabling them to make informed decisions and to put pragmatic and effective protection in place. In addition, because APPROACH has its own software factory, they are uniquely positioned to help clients develop highly secure software and solutions where security is at the core of the business.

Challenges for Approach

In the early days Approach relied on traditional pen-and-paper signatures to sign all sorts of documents such as labor agreements, data processor agreements, contracts with customers and suppliers,… To save resources and optimize the experience for their employees and customers they completely digitized the signature process by choosing the Connective eSignatures all-in-one platform.

The key challenge for Approach was to transform this traditionally offline, paperwork intensive processes into a completely digital experience while complying to the most stringent regulations.


“Our customers are businesses and public institutions that are security conscious. They need to protect their critical information and assets while still retaining their ability to innovate and grow. Increasing compliance demands from regulators and Europe-wide laws such as the GDPR apply even more pressure. The solutions of Connective are great enablers in that journey. Therefore we decided to employ their solutions for our own security & compliance.” explains David Vanderoost, CEO at Approach.

David Vanderoost, CEO Approach


Thanks to Connective eSignatures, Approach can offer all stakeholders – including clients, suppliers, employees – the possibility to sign any document remotely with the .beID or a one-time-password sent via SMS. By providing a platform with different signing methods, Approach can match each document flow with an ideal signing method. What’s more, they can offer their customers to choose themselves between a set of pre-determined signing methods.

Additionally digital signatures allow APPROACH to save precious time on administrative tasks such as printing, scanning and chasing paper documents. Moreover, Approach can rest assured knowing that each document is legally-binding, digitally timestamped and tamper proof.


Why Approach chose Connective eSignatures


White labeled solution

One of the requirements was the possibility to white label the solution to the Approach brand. Connective managed expectations as the tool was up and running, fully ‘Approach’ branded and ready to use in only 24 hours.

Easy Integration

Secondly the solution had to be integrated smoothly with the existing workflows of Approach. eSignatures syncs to OneDrive, GoogleDrive, Dropbox, etc. Allowing users to access documents easily from different sources. Approach is also looking into using the Salesforce app, a native connector for eSignatures. This will make it even easier for them to follow up on documents.

“What I like most about Connective eSignatures is the ease of use of the tool without having to compromise on security. We can even sign packages of documents in a single click.” Concludes David Vanderoost.


Ease of use

The third requirement was of course the user experience for the signer. Thanks to self-explanatory wizards Connective offers an intuitive and  well designed user interface. This way Approach can ensure the end-user with a “one-click” experience, regardless of device he or she is using.


Both Approach as her customers deal with critical information and assets every day, so they needed a solution they could trust. Connective eSignatures allows signing with the Belgian eID (.beiD), being a qualified digital signature and the legal equivalent of the wet ink signature. This warrants authentication, integrity, confidentiality and provides non-repudiation in accordance with the European regulation and standards.

Connective and Approach recently launched a joint Press Release. Don´t hesitate to read it if you would like to know more about our full partnership!


Want to know more about Connective eSignatures? Request a demo now! 

Connective eSignatures is now Nitro Sign Premium

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